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“DIG-BUILD” Környezetvédelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelő sségű     •  distribution of cleaning agents, hygienic soaps and cleaning
                     Társaság (Environmental Protection and Service Limited Liability   tools
                     Company) started to operate as an economic working association   •  rodent and pest control
                     in 1992, then it was restructured into a deposit partnership in 1998,   • landscaping

                     and finally, in 2001, the legal successor, thanks to its persistent   •  removal of snow and elimination of slippery surfaces
                     work, achieved a decisive role in the Southern Great Plain and   •  laundry services (residential and industrial laundry and dry

                     Hungary within his field of operation.    cleaning)
                     In all areas of the national economy - due to the extent, composi-  •  carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning
                     tion and nature of the dirt - it is necessary to develop modern   •  manned guarding and protection, reception service
                     cleaning technology procedures to apply the modern develop-  •  rental and replacement of dirt-catching carpets
                     ments and to use them reliably in practice. At the turn of the mil-
                     lennium, cleaning and the other connected services grew into an   Awards, recognitions
                     occupation and sector that requires serious expertise.  •  2005 Regional Quality Award of the Southern Great Plain
                     Our company, which employs more than 300 people, has a profes-  •  2013 Entrepreneurs’ Award of Békés County
                     sional history of almost three decades, where the use of modern   •  2021 Hungarian CEO Award, Service Grand Prize
                     technology, high-quality and environmentally friendly cleaning
                     agents, as well as the favourable and competitive service charges   The main objectives of our company include the territorial expan-
                     were the essential conditions to achieve our goals, and will also   sion of our operation and the continuous broadening of our busi-

                     be the keys to our future development.   ness profile, as well as the introduction of innovative procedures

                     The owner holds a MASTER of Cleaning certificate, is a found-  such as automated robotic technology.
                     ing member of the Hungarian Cleaning Technology Association
                     (MATISZ), the Voluntary Cleaners’ Association (ÖTE), a member of   A good cleaning service provider PLANS, ORGANIZES, AND DE-
                     the Textile Cleaning Association, and a supporting member of   VELOPS!
                     the National Association of Facility Management and Building
                     Management (LEO FM).                     Dig-Build Kft. is the clean solution!

                     In order to operate efficiently and economically, we have intro-
                     duced and are applying integrated management systems (ISO
                     standards). In order to strengthen the trust of our suppliers, we
                     have been awarded the Bisnode - Dun & Bradstreet’s highest quali-

                     fi ed certificate for years.

                     Our company has an accreditation certificate for rehabilitation
                     and more than half of our employees have altered work ability. We
                     are particularly proud of the fact that we can provide a working
                     environment for people with disabilities where they feel comfort-
                     able and can actually do productive work.
                     Fields of operation (B2B, B2C)
                     •  building cleaning, tiding (daily, periodic, special cleanings, ro-
                       botic technology)
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