Page 31 - Debrecen 2020-2021
P. 31
Our company has been established as a Limited-liability company Since 1st May, 2019, we have been the exclusive transfer service
(Ltd.) in 2005, then, as a result of the dynamic development, its provider of the Debrecen International Airport. As a new entrant
circle of owners decided on 6th August, 2009 to restructure it to on the market, we wish to play a prominent role in the passenger
become a joint-stock company. transport sector. Customer satisfaction and safety have utmost im-
Thanks to its know-how, Pannon Guard Zrt. has become one of portance for us. Thanks to Pannon Transfer’s new, state-of-the-art
the most dynamically developing service providers in the Eastern fleet of vehicles and our drivers trained at special driving trainings,
Hungary region. we are at our Passengers’ service to meet all their needs.
Our services cover all segments of property security, off ering com-
prehensive solutions tailored to businesses that are effi cient, reli- The services of Pannon Transfer:
able and result in long-term customer satisfaction. • VIP business passenger transport with an exclusive vehicle, and
Since its founding, our group of companies has been integrat- an experienced, foreign-language speaking driver & free WIFI
ing personal and property security, security technology, remote • Classic airport shuttle service
surveillance, cleaning and park maintenance services. Over the • Professional, exclusive passenger transport
years, we have extended our scope of services to include patient
transport, traffic safety aiding, as well as adult training, education We offer our services to our partners with nationwide coverage,
and accounting services. Our company’s services cover many areas in reliable quality, and for a service fee adjusted to the condi-
of facility operation and all segments of personal and property tions of the market.
security activities. The Board of Directors of our joint-stock company decided to
We are proud that some of our customers are multinational com- establish subsidiaries after assessing the market opportunities in
panies and we are constantly able to meet their requirements at the surrounding countries. We first opened an office in Oradea in
international standards by addressing their unique needs and February 2012, then in Kosice in December 2012, so our service
problems with immediate, complex and professional solutions. area covers Romania and Slovakia, as well.
Megbízható, szakszerű szolgáltatások Gyorsaság, pontosság Folyamatos fejlesztések
Minőséghez igazodó kedvező ár Komplex vagyonvédelmi megoldások