P. 33
Teka Magyarország Zrt. (MOFÉM) on the road of changes
In 2020, our company celebrated the 120th anniversary of its opment. Me and my colleagues are working hard to initiate a
founding. The company, founded in 1900 in the area of the for- change to increase efficiency and achieve continuous develop-
mer Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, is one of the companies where ment based on modern foundations through open and hon-
the culture of the production and product development has est communication, a high degree of empowerment and the
been part of its operation from the very beginnings. strengthening of teamwork. My management philosophy is to
The experience and expertise gathered over the decades has become better and better each day thanks to clear goals and
become part of not only the company, but also the whole Hun- expectations, and based on facts and reliable data.
garian industrial culture. It is no coincidence that the MOFÉM The restructuring of our Spanish parent company also means a
brand, which is historically closely associated with the company, big change, where the STROHM division, created in 2020, is intro-
is often called an industrial Hungaricum and wins the Magyar ducing a new bathroom concept on the European markets. Our
(Hungarian) Brands Award every year. company has received a key role in it both as a manufacturer and
This tradition is still a determining factor in the future develop- as a seller, which is definitely a clear sign of the trust placed in us
ment of the company nowadays, while, as a member of the TEKA by our owner. This is also supported by the fact that the second
group of companies, the transformation that lays the founda- STROHM showroom will be opened in Budapest after Madrid
tion for the long-term future has already begun. In November in November 2021 on a global level. Our mission is to guaran-
last year, a new general manager, Zoltán Vincze, has joined the tee that the MOFÉM, TEKA and STROHM brands continue to be
management of the company. popular and reliable products that meet the changing demands
What are the important parts of the change in culture? of our customers and we can produce and distribute them in a
We asked general manager Zoltán Vincze about this: “ I was very sustainable way in many European countries.
pleased to come to work at Teka Magyarország Zrt., because I would like to thank all the colleagues and all of those who place
the company has good bases and opportunities for the devel- their trust in us and choose our products now and in the future!”
Tel.: +36-96/574-500