Page 15 - Nógrád megye 2021
P. 15
Famous people of our
past and present
Nógrád is certainly the land of the great Hungarian art- Rajeczky and Kálmán Csohány next to the House of
ists. We can proudly say with poet Bálint Balassi: ‘Oh the School Master, as well as the legacy of Gyula Ben-
my sweet country, you good Hungary. Who wears the czúr and Szabó István Sr. in Benczúrfalva. Film director
shield of Christianity...’ The memory of the great poet István Gaál and Ferenc Zenthe, the Actor of the Nation,
can be found all over Nógrád, from Balassagyarmat left lasting traces in Salgótarján. Albert Szentgyörgyi
to Somoskő. started to love Nature in the meadows around the vil-
We can make a complete circle in the footsteps of Ma- lage of Buják. This region with its beauty also att racted
dách in Nógrád, from Alsósztregova (Dolná Strehová) the painter Oszkár Glatz.
through Csécse, Ecseg, Csesztve and Balassagyarmat, Among the great people of the county who still live
and back to Alsósztregova. In the order of the stations, today, we can mention Professor Emeritus Dr. Noémi
the cradle, the altar, the divorce, the chosen residence, Lukács, who carries out her scientific work in her home,
the place of public life, and finally the coffi n. A truly in Szirák, and half the world is waiting to receive her
exciting journey. results. Especially at this time, when vaccines are being
And the biggest palóc, Kálmán Mikszáth. We find his produced.
name in many places. However, we would definitely Péter Földi, a Kossuth Prize-winning painter, was born
recommend visiting two places of his life. Th e muse- and is still living in Somoskőújfalu. Today, as the Artist
um in Szklabonya (Sklabiná), his hometown, and the of the Nation, he proves that it is possible to reach the
memorial house in Horpács, the village that was his peaks of one’s art from here, and it is not necessary to
favourite place to stay. move to Budapest or to Paris.
In Pásztó, we can visit the monuments of Benjamin