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Bászna Gabona Zrt. is a key player in the Hungarian agricultural a reliable partner of the region and the entire Hungarian agri-
sector, where the agricultural innovation meets the traditional cultural sector. For the farmers and the producers, it prioritizes
values. The company provides a wide range of services to its cus- precision and reliability, in addition to cost effi ciency. Thanks to
tomers, currently at 10 premises (Mátészalka, Kérsemjén, Kölcse, its professional solutions, it is ready to solve the most diverse
Nagyecsed, Bátorliget, Nyírbéltek, Nyírbogát, Cigánd, Semjén, agricultural challenges all year round, and accompany its cus-
Ricse): from the trading in produces and the sale of agricultural tomers from the sowing to the harvesting. Bászna Sertés Zrt.,
input materials, through the work processes on arable lands which belongs to the corporate group, has two premises; one is
using machines, to the storage and logistics of crops. Whether a pig fattening farm in Mátészalka, which is capable of producing
it is harvesting or sowing, Bászna Grain monitors all the tasks. 20,000 pigs for slaughter each year. The other site in Hodász is a
Its modern fleet of machines includes both hand-operated and breeding farm with 1,300 sows, and it is capable of producing
self-propelled tractors, combine harvesters, seeders, sprayers 45,000 piglets each year. The pig farm in Hodász was opened in
and balers, as well as other tillage machines and the transport 2024 as a green field investment, which is currently one of the
vehicles. The company guarantees the efficient and precise per- most modern pig farms in the country, and the most advanced
formance of the tasks with the continuous integration of the one in terms of animal welfare.
state-of-the-art technologies. Bászna Sertés Zrt. also provides a wide range of logistics ser-
Thanks to their advanced infrastructure, Bászna Gabona Zrt. is vices with its fleet of vehicles of various bodies, which currently
uniquely able to satisfy the complex jobs in the region at the consists of 20 trucks.
highest standard. The professionally trained and highly skilled The third member of the corporate group is Bászna Takarmány
staff also guarantees this. Their colleagues not only have in-depth Kft., which produces pig feeds and horse feeds. The IMPERIAL
knowledge, but also extensive experience in all areas of the agri- feeds cover all stages of horse breeding, from the feed of preg-
culture, guaranteeing the professional work processes. nant mares to the feeds of the most intensively trained competi-
At the company’s premises, modern grain storage facilities, tion horses; nothing proves the success of our feeds better than
warehouses, crop dryer, crop cleanser and sampling laboratory the successes achieved by competitor Gábor Szabó, whom we
equipment, as well as calibrated weighbridges are available. This sponsor, and the horses of his stables, which have won many
equipment makes it possible to provide high-quality services competitions, and are exclusively eating our feeds. Currently,
and satisfy the demands of the customers completely. Gábor Szabó is Hungary’s most successful rider, and leader of
Bászna Gabona Zrt. is not just an integrator company, but also the Eastern European World Cup.