Page 11 - Veszprém 2021
P. 11
Lake Balaton
our Riviera
Tihany, the peninsula of volcanic origin which extends deep monumental cemetery of Balatonudvari is famous for its heart-
into the lake is the first nature reserve of Hungary. King An- shaped tombstones. The sights of Badacsonytomaj are the
drew I of Hungary founded a Benedictine abbey here in 1055; Róza Szegedy House, the two-tower Catholic Church built
his tomb is found in the crypt today. There is a breathtaking from basalt stones, and the museum of the painter József Egry.
view of Lake Balaton from the heart of the village. Th e Tihany Csopak, located at the bottom of the Nosztori Valley, has one
open-air village museum presents the life of the former peo- of the most beautiful beaches on the shores of Lake Balaton,
ple of the almost thousand-year-old village, and the thatched and while enjoying the delicious food in its cosy restaurants,
houses also make us remember the bygone centuries. Th e spe- we can taste Csopak’s famous Welschriesling. Th e att raction
cial atmosphere of Tihany is enhanced by the fi shermen’s para- of the dynamically developing Alsóörs is the medieval Gothic
dise, the almost untouched surroundings of the Inner Lake. Turkish House, and in Balatonalmádi the fortress church of
In Örvényes, on the banks of the stream Pécsely, a monument Vörösberény, the Chapel of the Holy Right, await its visitors.
watermill built in folk style can be visited, while the famous