Page 27 - veszprem2023
P. 27

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Veszprém County   Clusters, clubs
                     was founded in 1994. The organization is made up of the mi-  Organizing network cooperation: Bakony-Balaton Mechatronics
                     cro, small, medium and large enterprises in the industrial, com-  and Vehicle Industry Cluster, Human Professionals Club, Accoun-
                     mercial, service and handicraft sectors, and we can say that the   tants’ Club, Marketing Club, Quality Club
                     companies that provide two thirds of the region’s economic
                     performance are members of the Chamber. The Chamber has   Széchenyi Card program
                     a wide network of contacts, and represents all segments of the   Mediation of state-supported entrepreneurial credit and leasing
                     economy.                                 schemes with concessional interest rates
                      The aim of the Chamber is to create and maintain opportu-  Vocational education, master’s training, career guidance
                       nities for cooperation among its members, which promote   Vocational education consultancy, supervision of vocational
                       direct economic and social relationships between the entre-  training employment contracts, rating of dual training places,
                       preneurs due to the same interests, as well as cooperation   master’s training, practical teachers’ training, career guidance
                       based on mutual interest.              activities
                       The mission of the Chamber, through its operation, is to pro-
                       mote the development and self-organization of the economy,   Events
                       to create and maintain the safety of business turnover and the   Organization of professional information events, workshops,
                       enforcement of the joint interests of the economic actors.  trainings, conferences, exhibitions and factory visits
                       The Chamber of Commerce and Industry represents the inter-
                       ests of the business community, supports the development   Conciliation board
                       of the business life, completes its mission as a consultant, per-  Operation of a consumer protection conciliation board to re-
                       forms the duties assigned by the state, provides a consultation   solve the legal disputes between the consumers and the service
                       forum, and provides extensive economic development and   providers out of court
                       vocational training services.
                                                              Europe Direct
                     Services:                                Information service on the matters of the European Union sup-
                                                              ported by the European Commission
                     Business management, application, legal and credit con-
                     sulting                                  Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
                     Consultation in economic, financial, taxation, legal and access   Support for young and future entrepreneurs to gain business

                     to funds matters, search for business partners  experience abroad with the support of the European Union
                     Intellectual property protection
                     Operation of an industrial rights advisory service with the sup-

                     port of the National Office of Intellectual Property

                                                                 Veszprém Vármegyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
                                          8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1. • Tel.: +36-88/429-008 • E-mail:
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