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The Grasslands of Nyír, the empire of backwaters

Due to the river regulation in the XIX Century a countless number of backwaters appeared giving a romantic felling to the area. The area is defined by the old river bed, the network of sealed turns and the gallery forests on their shores. River Tisza and it closed off backwaters provide a wide variety of relaxation for the visitors.
River Tisza is one of the most significant water hike course, active tourist network of the Carpathian Basin. At the area of the Grasslands of Nyír Szabolcs, Tiszalök, Tiszadada and Tiszadob are the main stops for kayak-canoe hikers. Conservation areas and chains of natural values can be found along River Tisza and the backwaters which are famous for their special avifauna. The most valuable natural heritage of the Grasslands of Nyír can be found at the boundary of Tiszavasvári next to Road 36, called Fehér Meadow which was named as a conservation area in 1977. The backwaters are the home of open air beaches, fishermen and natural water hike trails. At the area of the Grasslands of Nyír there are natural beaches in Rakamaz, Tiszalök and Tiszadob. The Saint Michael Spa in Tiszavasvári is also worth mentioning along the open air beaches with its unique healing water.



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