Page 23 - Bács-Kiskun megye 2022
P. 23

„The sad feather grass
                                                                       is growing here…”

                                                                In the rocking

                                                                 beauty of the



                     The rich culture, the environmental beauty, and the   teristic communities of the peaty swamp and the birdlife
                     unique features of Bács-Kiskun County also include the   of the loess shore here. With the help of the information
                     educational trails that promise easy hiking. Fortunately,   boards, we can get to know the history of how the swamp
                     there are increasingly cared-for and protected educa-  was formed, and also the amphibian and reptile fauna
                     tional trails with signposts across the county. The three   built upon the insect world, as well as the bird life and
                     educational trails presented here are only a fi rst taste,   the fish of the reed beds and the open-water peat mine

                     because Kiskunság National Park offers many more in-  lakes. The swamp can be dangerous for those who are

                     teresting programmes in the area of Bács-Kiskun County.  unfamiliar with the area, so a visit is only recommended
                     Tartós szegfű (Turkish Carnation) educational   on the designated route or with a trained guide.
                     trail, Bodoglár
                     One of the habitats of the Turkish carnation is found
                     on the borders of Kiskunmajsa, in the area of the sand
                     dunes in Bodoglár. The flowering period of the Turk-

                     ish carnation lasts from June to late autumn; however,
                     the area is a wonderful sight for hikers even in diff erent
                     seasons. Throughout the year, the length of the walking
                     trail is 1,000 metres. On the road between Soltvadkert
                     and Kiskunmajsa, between the villages of Tázlár and
                     Bodoglár, one has to choose the dirt road marked with
                     a signpost at the 16.3 km section to be part of an unfor-
                     gettable sight.
                     Varangykő (Toadstone) educational trail,
                     At the borders of the village of Csólyospálos, we can

                     find a large-scale natural occurrence of tuff, which is of

                     world significance. The area is about a 1,500-metre walk

                     from the village centre. A signboard helps us to orientate,
                     the area itself is about 500 m long, and can be explored
                     on foot all year round.
                     Vörös-mocsár (Red swamp) educational trail,
                     The 2,500-metre educational trail, which can be visited
                     all year round on foot, is easy to find next to the main road

                     leading to the village. The visitors can observe the charac-

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