Page 21 - Bács-Kiskun megye 2022
P. 21

Our focus,
                         „I stop at the winding Tisza”

                         the Tisza river

                     The narrow-gauge train in Tiszakécske is   tional trail shows us the habitats and the wildlife of the
                     operating again                          Dead-Tisza in Tiszakécske and how the humans have
                     Some 50 years ago, on 20th August 1971, the Tiszakécs-  transformed the landscape. Its starting point is next

                     ke Pioneer Railway started its first journey. The nar-  to the Ókécske Sports Hall. A parking lot and a small
                     row-gauge railway operated with smaller or major in-  playground wait for visitors. There are 10 stations on
                     terruptions until 2009, and it has been restarted after   the loop-like route of the 2,500-meter-long educational
                     a more than a decade-long break. Since the autumn of   trail, and part of the spectacular trail runs on wooden
                     2021, visitors can travel along the largest bend of the   piles.
                     Tisza River by rail. The renovated nostalgia route runs  Tőserdő - ecotourism centre
                     from the Tisza-bank stop to the House of Encounters, re-  Lakitelek and Tőserdő may have a familiar ring to many
                     calling the beautiful memories of old times. The magni-  people, and hopefully more and more people will close

                     ficent view of the winding Tisza opens up in front of us   them in their hearts. Thanks to the continuous develop-
                     on the two-kilometre stretch of the riverside, and the vi-  ments that have taken place since 2021, Tőserdő, on the
                     sitors can enjoy the full panorama from the 20.5-meter   banks of the Szikrai Dead-Tisza will be a key tourist desti-
                     lookout tower. The train also stops at a playground, to   nation again, and the popular holiday resort will become
                     the great delight of the children.       an ecotourism centre by the end of 2022. It is worth visit-
                     Nádirigó (Great reed warbler) educational   ing the popular scene of our childhood, where the servic-
                     trail, Tiszakécske                       es of ecotourism include a new event space, a rest area for
                     The wildlife of the Dead-Tisza backwater was revived in   cyclists, and an environment full of experience elements.
                     the Tiszakécske area, along the Middle Tisza, on about   The development of the shore of the dead branch, the re-
                     60 hectares. The wetland habitat that had deteriorated   vitalization of the green surfaces and the renewal of the
                     over previous decades could thus regain its vitality and   street furniture are also planned.
                     provide home to many protected species. The educa-

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