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Where not only
the water heals
Hungarikum Park
If there is a place in Hungary that can be called a harbour Horse-riding school, foot golf, mini golf course, outdoor
of values, it is found in Lakitelek, in Bács-Kiskun County. chess, football field, teqball, cycling, and swimming are all
In the village alongside the Tisza, the Hungarikum Park is available, but if you just want to take a refreshing walk, you
a true wonder, where the top achievements of the Hungar- can indulge yourself in a luxurious environment.
ian people, the Hungarikums, wait for the visitors. Th is is We can discover the secrets of gastronomy and the special,
a special space where a lot of spiritual ‘food’ and spiritual unique world of the rural way of life in the Hungarikum
‘refreshment’ awaits the visitors. Here, not only the heal- Park. Thanks to its excellently designed built spaces, it is
ing water, but also the therapeutic treatments guarantee also a perfect venue for professional and family program-
our healing. The guest can choose from hotels, guest mes, events, conferences and forums.
houses, guest lodges, rest houses, and yurts according to Tőserdő is another exciting tourist destination in the area,
their interests, company, and needs. They can admire the where the Ecotourism Visitor Centre helps us learn about
exhibitions presenting the history of Hungary, the entire its uniquely rich flora and fauna, as well as the Holt-Tisza
range of our Hungarikums in one place. They can also taste (Dead Tisza), and the centre functions not only as an in-
wines from Hungary’s wine regions in the Wine Cathedral. formation point, but also as a bicycle rest area and service.,