Page 27 - Békés megye
P. 27


                   INDUSTRY OF BÉKÉS COUNTY

                   The basic task of the chambers of commerce and industry as public corporations is to promote the
                   development and the organization of the economy with their operation based on the local gov-  PUBLIC LAW TASKS
                   ernment, and to create, preserve and increase the security of business turnover and the fairness of   Registration of business
                   conduct on the market, as well as to enforce the general and common interests of those engaged
                   in economic activities.
                   To this end, they facilitate the elaboration of provisions of law, the government programs and the   Registration of construction
                   measures on economic development, which relate to business organizations, by giving them sug-  companies engaged in completion
                   gestions, opinions and information.                        Performance certifying expert body
                   Countrywide, the chambers operate as determined by the law on chambers; moreover, they per-  (tszsz)
                   form voluntarily undertaken tasks.                              Conciliatory body
                   The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Békés County is a service-type chamber that, taking
                                                                               Operation of vocational training
                   the needs of the voluntary members and the registered businesses into account, provides continu-
                   ously renewing services.                                       consultancy network
                   Of the many services available exclusively to the chamber members, some have also become avail-  Career-orientation counselling
                   able to the registered businesses free of charge:            Organizing examinations for
                   - economic, financial, tax and credit consultation,           skilled master craftsmen

                   - search for business partners,
                   - tender monitoring.                                           Complex inspection of
                   The additional services provided to the voluntary chamber members are available free of charge or   practical training sites
                   at favourable charges in many cases.                         Authentication of documents
                   The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Békés County with its expert administrative organiza-
                   tion has been carrying out its duties as ordered by law for a quarter of a century. The Hungarian-  THE SERVICE-PROVIDING
                   Romanian Section of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry also operates under the
                   responsible management of our chamber.                     Counselling, providing information
                   The composition of the economic actors in our county is special, and the private entrepreneurs
                                                                               Organizing professional lectures
                   are predominant in terms of their number. Although the concentration of capital is experienced at
                   the 100 largest companies and their role is decisive, the number of private entrepreneurs is higher   Széchenyi Card program
                   than the national average. With this in mind, the Chamber of Commerce is shaping its community-  Operation of the Hungarian-
                   building activities to strengthen the cohesion of the entrepreneurs of the county.  Romanian Section of the Hungarian
                   We do our best to perform our statutory tasks, primarily our informative tasks, to be able to also in-  Chamber of Commerce and

                   clude community events into the fixed processes at certain points. Whether it is training connected
                   to vocational training, the activities of the departments, or the obligation to provide information   Industry
                   due to changes in the law, we do our best to give a helping and organizing hand to the entrepre-  Search for business partners
                   neurs of Békés County.                                       Development of commerce
                   On an annual basis, we are in contact with thousands of people. The employees of the Chamber of   Enterprise development

                   Commerce offer their services to the entrepreneurs in a direct and customer-friendly environment.  Tender monitoring
                                                                                Enforcing economic interests
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