Page 11 - Békés megye 2022
P. 11
Rural tourism
Rich traditions
Rural tourism is blooming in Békés County. A number and writings. The various baking trays, pots, roast pans,
of qualifi ed accommodations offer the guests not only pancake pans, and tube pans are typically glazed in yellow,
accommodation but also other programmes, as well. Any- green, or brown colours.
one can taste the meals baked in the oven, try out folk craft s There is very rich weaving culture in the county; women
that were thought to be forgotten, and even take part in a of all nationalities were weaving linen. All the plant fi bres
traditional, rural pig slaughter. used for weaving could be found in our county, which was
Entering the traditional Slovakian country houses in Bé- supplemented with crops, grain, and corn. We may say
késcsaba, Szarvas, and Tótkomlós, the visitors are charmed with some exaggeration that the craftsmanship culture -
by the atmosphere of the place and the contemporary fur- using fibres for weaving - is a special treasure of the Great
nishings, so they can easily imagine the everyday lives of Plain. Békés town with 22,000 inhabitants on the left bank
the peasants, originating from Upper Hungary, who lived of Kettős-Körös has rich handicraft traditions: gingerbread
and worked hard in these houses. making, carpet weaving, traditional coat embroidery, as
The characteristic products of the county’s old and tradi- well as wattle and straw weaving, and basketry. In the nine-
tional folk handicraft are the potteries made by the pott ers teenth century, almost every second person in Békés could
in Tótkomlós, which are mainly bottles and typical cook- do wickerwork; they were famous for it.
ing pots in various forms and with diff erent decorations