Page 9 - Békéscsaba 2019
P. 9
Békéscsaba, the town of
Mihály Munkácsy Museum of the painter genius and to create a uniform and character-
The Museum was named after Mihály Munkácsy in 1951, istic cultural district that enriches the everyday life of the
in honour of the painter. Here, 24 paintings, original person- town and strengthens the identity of the residents of “Csa-
al items, documents, and photos of the master are held. In ba”, thereby attracting more and more visitors to our town.
addition to its permanent exhibitions, the museum presents Th e Munkácsy District includes the following buildings
some of his unique relics and a growing number of paintings and places: Munkácsy Memorial House - sculpture prom-
in the Munkácsy memorial rooms. The Mihály Munkácsy enade - Mihály Munkácsy Museum - Csabagyöngye Cul-
Museum houses the world’s largest Munkácsy collection. tural Centre - Békés County Library - Arad Martyrs’ Park
- Széchenyi Park - Munkácsy Hotel - István Mill - Steam Mill
The Munkácsy District Square - Ursziny-Beliczey mansion.
The purpose of the Munkácsy District and the investments
into urban development is to preserve the cultural heritage