Page 19 - bekescs24
P. 19
Hustle and bustle
Sausage Festival Csaba Summer
There might not be a person in Hungary who has not heard Our town has many treasures of cultural, architectural, and
of the great atmosphere of the Sausage Festival. In addition gastronomic importance. Each year, a series of events is orga-
to the domestic visitors, a great number of tourists arrive nized under the title of ‘Csaba Summer’, which offers a range
from abroad to visit the festival in Békéscsaba, the capital of colourful cultural programmes from the theatrical perfor-
of the sausage, which presents the Csaba sausage and other mances of the Town Hall Evenings, through to art exhibi-
unique gastronomic specialities. tions, and to classical and pop music concerts. Th e Town
Hall Evenings programme series has been making the cul-
Magic (Garabonciás) Days tural life of Békéscsaba vibrant since 1998. Th e programme
The Magic Days have made the life of the students of Bé- series is characterized by a unique diversity of genres; only a
késcsaba colourful for almost a quarter of a century. Today, it few other such examples are found in Hungary.
is Hungary’s biggest secondary school event. Th e one-week
series of events has been preceded by enthusiastic prepara- ZENIT
tion in the town’s secondary schools for decades. ZENIT, which has a history of more than three decades,
is the most significant International Brass Band Festival of