Page 27 - Csongrád 2021
P. 27
The quality and the acquisition costs of the input materials used We are also represent on the domestic market with our own
in the agriculture and the industry fundamentally determine the products, such as the DIO-MIX water-soluble NPK in various
profitability of the production. Therefore it is a fundamental is- compositions for gardeners, and the DIO-VIN foliar fertilizer with
sue to have a reliable and stable partner in this area. Dió 896 Kft. high organic matter content for horticultural and fi eld use. We
(Ltd.) distributes the fertilizers, the pesticides and the seeds of have our own machinery for the flexible delivery, we are able
domestic and European manufacturers and has been engaged to deliver to any place in Hungary. If necessary, we can provide
in the retail trade and wholesale trade of chemicals in Hungary storage space for our partners at this place. Another very im-
for more than 25 years. Since its founding, it is a 100% Hungar- portant service is the expert advice on both nutrient replenish-
ian privately owned company located in Hódmezővásárhely. ment and the use of pesticides. At the company, there are several
specialists and plant protection engineers at the service of our
The company history dates back to 1996 when the company customers. In addition to trade, we consider the joint coopera-
was founded. Initially, we offered chemicals for all areas of the tion, thinking and work with our partners of great importance
industry, the agriculture and the service industry. This line of and priority, since the success of our partners also determine
business can still be found among the company’s activities to our company’s progress. The present and past of the company
this day. Thanks to it, our partners include food and agricultural have been determined by these events, and its future is deter-
plants, manufacturers belonging to a wide range of industrial mined by its crop cleaning and drying plant, which was opened
companies, as well as spas in the service industry. in Hódmezővásárhely in 2016. Thanks to this plant, our crop trade
has become important and we can provide our partners with
The change in the product range has started in 2008, so in ad- a complete cultivation scheme. One of the cornerstones of our
dition to artificial fertilizers for gardens and arable lands, pes- business is the business branch of liquid chemicals, which will
ticides were also added to the list of the distributed products. have an expanded storage capacity from 2021, so we will place
The horticultural fertilizers include mono-fertilizers as well as an even greater emphasis on the quality and quantity require-
microelements in water-soluble form. In the last few years, seeds ments in the future.
are also available, so our trade in the agricultural input products
is now complete.