Page 25 - Csongrád 2021
P. 25

Szeged is the largest town in our region, and it is highly popu-  Szentes, the Angel Wing Festival in Fábiánsebestyén, the Stru-

                   lar among tourists. The outstanding events of the Festival City   del Festival in Mórahalom, the Wine Festival in Csongrád,
                   are the Szeged Open-Air Festival, the Szeged Wine Festival,   the traditional pig slaughter feast in Kistelek, etc. In addition
                   the Pig and Pálinka Festival, and the Szeged Youth Days.  to the gastronomic values, the local producers and products,

                   The Great Plain Animal Farming and the Farmers’ Days  as well as the traditions are presented in these programmes.

                   Trade Exhibition and Fair, with a history of three decades, is   The traditional folk dance, folk song, and dance houses are
                   one of the most important professional events of Hungarian  essential elements of the lively hustle and bustle, as well as

                   agriculture. The deservedly famous 4-day event att racts tens   the presentation of the local crafts, which the visitors can

                   of thousands of visitors (60,000 visitors in 2018) each year.  also try out.

                   The events arranged around gastronomy enjoy unbroken  Csongrád-Csanád County is rich in sports events, which are
                   popularity due to their community-building and communi-  made more colourful by presentations on healthy lifestyle,
                   ty-strengthening role. Almost all the towns and villages are  nutrition, and health preservation, as well as by health screen-
                   proud of organizing such an event, e.g. the Lecsó Festival in   ings.

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