Page 33 - csongrad2023
P. 33

Csúcs-Vill Kft. was founded in 2007. The company is pro-  Decades of market presence, and our customer-centered

                     viding electrical and residential services. Our partners are   and flexible attitude help us maintain excellent relation-
                     mainly industrial facilities and public institutions, however,   ships with our customers. We are proud that most of our
                     we also perform residential jobs. Our company strives to   partners have been providing our company with constant
                     satisfy the demands of our clients in as complex a man-  and recurring jobs for many years.
                     ner as possible, therefore we also plan the jobs at a high
                     standard, with the support of expert engineers.  Our company’s development is continuous, because the
                     Our online store:       industrial electrical installation presents constant profes-
                     We sell trendy design lamps and traditional lighting fi x-  sional challenges to us when the highest professional skills
                     tures for both residential and industrial use. We have a   and high level of organizational skills are expected.
                     wide range of suppliers both domestically and interna-  Due to our continuous and nationwide inquiries and or-
                     tionally. Our company cooperates with contractors, inte-  ders, the construction of our assembly hall has begun.
                     rior designers, and shops.
                                                              Among our range of activities, we consider the following
                     In our online store, we have been   tasks especially important:
                     distributing the lamps of Sollux Lighting since 2020, and   •  industrial electrical installation
                     we also perform the maintenance tasks for one of the larg-  •  production of electrical equipment
                     est Hungarian food chains.               •  performing standardization inspections
                                                              •  lightning safety inspections
                     The company’s tools, devices and technical equipment en-  • first commissioning inspections

                     able us to perform special and complex tasks as well. The   •  survey and mapping of the areas using ground radar
                     continuous professional preparedness and many years of   and ground scanner equipment
                     experience are the essential conditions for our responsible   • ground drilling
                     work. Our company also considers professional develop-  •  trench digging, cable laying (using Takeuchi, JCB
                     ment, the learning of new technologies and industrial   machines)
                     procedures and standards as important.

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