Page 21 - Debrecen 2020-2021
P. 21


                                                             WITH EXTRAS

                   Those who visit Debrecen can spend their time pleasantly   ventures in the form of a star tour. The towns and villages of
                   and satisfactorily not only in the much-mentioned Nagyerdő   Hajdú-Bihar County offer many unique and valuable sights for
                   (Great Forest) or in the cosy town centre. The seemingly end-  tourists: there are over two hundred nationally protected monu-
                   less Hortobágy Plain, just a few kilometres from Debrecen, is   ments in this region.
                   famous, among other things, for its colourful bird life. On the   The largest spa complex of Europe was built in Hajdúszobosz-
                   most extensive grassland of Central Europe, the Visitor Centre   ló, 20 km from Debrecen, and the Nyíregyháza Zoo, a highly
                   presents the values of nature, and from where visitors can   popular country zoo, is less than an hour’s drive from Debrecen.
                   make adventurous “expeditions” on foot or in horse-drawn wag-  There are many forms of active recreational activities around
                   ons, or participate in four-wheel safari trips. Hortobágy, in the   the Lake Tisza. The bird reserve of the lake can be discovered
                   category “Cultural landscape”, is a World Heritage Site; this   in row boats by the lovers of nature, and they can also paddle
                   prestigious title has been awarded for the preservation of the   on the lake in canoes. The Tisza Lake Eco-centre in Poroszló
                   traditions of pastoral livestock keeping and shepherding.  shows the natural values and wildlife of the Lake Tisza in an
                   Two other UNESCO World Heritage Sites are also easily ac-  interactive way, while the largest freshwater aquarium complex
                   cessible from Debrecen: the Tokaj Wine Region, and the caves   of Europe is also found here. The nearby Tiszafüred, with its
                   of the Aggtelek Karst.                   cultural events, folk crafts exhibitions, and gastronomic festivals,
                   The sightseeing in Debrecen can be extended with further ad-  is one of the most popular towns of the region.

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