Page 35 - Esztergom 2021
P. 35
We make Hungary’s favourite car
After 50 years, Magyar Suzuki Corporation brought passenger car parts and accessories of the Japanese Suzuki Motor Corporation.
manufacturing back to Hungary in 1992. Since then, the only Euro- Thus, our logistics unit in Esztergom is a determinate automotive
pean unit of the Japanese Suzuki Motor Corporation has been op- centre in Central Europe.
erating in Esztergom, where a full spectrum manufacturing activity Thanks to our partners, our suppliers and our 78-member national
is being performed since the very beginnings. This means that the dealership network, we contribute to the livelihood of approximately
pressing and welding of the steel sheets, the painting of the car body, 10,000 people. Since the beginning of our operations, we have con-
the assembly of the vehicles and the quality control of the fi nished tributed to the Hungarian economy with investments worth almost
cars also take place in Esztergom. HUF 524 billion.
We are currently producing the two crowd favourite models of Hun- As an Esztergom based manufacturer and a committed supporter
garian buyers, the Vitara and the SX4 S-CROSS at the foot of Pilis of the local community, we continuously help the residents of the
Mountains, now already in hybrid versions as well. Our company area and support the social, educational, cultural organizations and
has been leading new car sales in Hungary for four years. In addition institutions operating in the Esztergom region.
to manufacturing cars for the Hungarian and international markets We cooperate with, for example, the Hungarian Red Cross of Ko-
- for 123 countries - our company also sells imported Suzuki cars, márom-Esztergom County. We support their work with a Vitara car,
motorcycles and marine engines. The experimental development of and in return for using the car, they undertook the task of providing
our models manufactured in Hungary also takes place in Esztergom. free first aid trainings - necessary for a successful Traffi c Rules exam
Our marine engine business unit has been overseeing the business - for 11th grade students each year.
and sales activities of the Central and Eastern European region since In conclusion, we have been developing together with the region;
2017. Within the Suzuki Group, our motorcycle business unit has we believe that this close cooperation is the key to the outstanding
been the distributor with the largest market share in Europe for performance and success of our company and the region. In 2019,
fi ve years. our company became the 7th company with the highest sales rev-
In 2019, our company became the European-based centre for spare enue and the 8th largest exporter of Hungary.