Page 7 - Esztergom 2021
P. 7

The unparalleled Renaissance burial chapel of Tamás Bakócz  the country’s third public museum, the famous Christian

                   can be visited even five hundred years later. Luckily, the arch-  Museum, opened its doors in 1875. The spa bath was opened

                   bishop’s court escaped from the city due the threat of the  in 1912, which allowed Esztergom to call itself a spa town.
                   Turks, and, as a result, part of the rich medieval stock of the   Over the decades, Esztergom has become a serious school

                   Primate’s Archives and the Cathedral Treasury were pre-  town, and after the change of regime, thanks to the Suzuki
                   served, and these treasures enrich our city even today. Th e   factory and its suppliers, it became a centre of the automotive
                   time of the Turkish conquest is evidenced by the surviving   industry. The Mária Valéria Bridge, which had been blown

                   mosque and a few bastions. The archbishop’s court only re-  up in the Second World War, was rebuilt by 2001, thus re-
                   turned to its ancient capital in 1820, when the construction  establishing a pedestrian connection between Hungary and
                   of the religious centre, which lasted for several decades, was   Slovakia, and the two banks of the River Danube.
                   started on the Castle Hill. Thanks to Archbishop János Simor,

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