P. 25

Silence and

                                           spiritual recharge

                     In addition to active recreation, our extremely diverse  Hungary and is preserved in the Gothic Héderváry Cha-

                     county offers many opportunities to enjoy the silence. Th e  pel of the Basilica of Győr. The respect of our Knight King

                     Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma is one of the  became widespread in Győr after the great earthquake of

                     most famous sacred places. The archabbey was added to  1762, and since then the relic has been carried around the
                     the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1996, on the  streets of the city centre each year.
                     1000th anniversary of its founding. The major part of the  The building of the Premontre Provostry of Csorna, named

                     Szent Márton (St. Martin’s) Basilica in Pannonhalma was  after St. Michael the Archangel, was destroyed and rebuilt

                     built in early Gothic style in the early 13th century. Th e  several times during its 840-year-old history, but the com-
                     building, which was demolished and renovated several  munity always managed to revive this building. In the re-
                     times, was most recently renovated in 2012, and the main  cently modernized Visitor Centre, an exhibition has been
                     aspect was to restore the monastic character of the church,  opened, guided by smartphone, which shows the exciting
                     because the Basilica is home to the Benedictine commu-  history of the order. Visitors can also gain an insight into
                     nity living here.                        the local historical curiosities of Csorna, while the family-

                     The herm (bust) of St. Ladislaus I of Hungary is consid-  friendly programmes offer all-day adventures in the heart

                     ered to be the third most important sacred treasure of  of Rábaköz.

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