Page 11 - gyorms24
P. 11
National values
Our wine regions
There are two large wine regions in Győr-Moson-Sopron the wine region is that its climate is also favourable for the
County, and both of them are outstanding national val- production of late harvest sweet wines.
ues. The Pannonhalma Sokoróalja Wine Region is located in
The Sopron Wine Region is one of the oldest wine-grow- the south-eastern part of the county. Grapes have been
ing regions in the country, and it had great importance grown on the slopes of the Pannonhalma Hills since Ro-
even back in the Middle Ages. In addition to expert viticul- man times. Later, the priests of the Benedictine order of
ture and winemaking, the citizens of Sopron were guard- Pannonhalma helped the locals learn advanced grape
ing the reputation of their wines jealously. It is typical of production and viticulture. After a break of several deca-
this region that the cellars were not built in the vineyards, des, the wine region was revived in 1990. The area, with
but in the town, under the farmers’ own houses. Th e most about 650 hectares of vineyard, stretches across 13 towns
valuable areas of the wine region are the mountain slopes and villages.
around Lake Fertő, which cover about 1,500 hectares. In the area that traditionally produces white wine, we can
In the Sopron Wine Region, the production of blue grapes, taste high-quality wines such as the Riesling from Pan-
especially Blaufränkisch, is very important, while the Zwe- nonhalma, the Chardonnay from Écs, the Pinot gris from
igelt, Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot noir planta- Nyúl, or the Sauvignon blanc from Győrújbarát.
tions are also significant. An interesting characteristic of