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Buzzing academic life
In a picturesque environment
Two long-standing and internationally recognized uni- centuries, the János Apáczai Csere Faculty operates in the
versities guarantee the vibrant scientific life of our county. monument-protected centre of Győr, while the Faculty
The Széchenyi István University, which off ers courses of Agriculture and Food Sciences operates in Moson-
of international standard, and with its some 13,000 stu- magyaróvár, in buildings that include the castle that was
dents from more than 60 countries, is one of the most renovated in 2020, located on the banks of the Lajta River.
dynamically developing academic education institutions The central campus of the University of Sopron is located
of Hungary. in a wonderful environment, in the 17-hectare Botanical
The Győr campus, which was voted as the most beautiful Garden, where external visitors are also received. In the
campus of Hungary in 2019, is located on the banks of institution, the students can participate in forestry, wood
the picturesque backwater of the Mosoni-Danube branch industry, engineering, creative industry, pedagogy, and
and the Danube river. Seven of the university’s nine facul- economic courses, and many of them wear a uniform and
ties, as well as five dormitory wings, are located next to still preserve and nurture the traditions of Selmec dating
state-of-the-art lecture halls, laboratories, and the modern, back to its founding in 1735, based on camaraderie and
award-winning library. patriotism.
Of the other two faculties dating back to more than two