Page 21 - Heves megye 2020
P. 21
Why is it worthwhile
visiting Gyöngyös?
The city of Gyöngyös was an eye witness to some of the Rákóczi War for Independence the prince negotiated with
most important events of our history due to its central geo- the emissary of the emperor in the city. The most famous
graphical location. It was known as a village from the time of Kuruc general, Blind János Bottyán is buried at the Fran-
the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin and in the ciscan church here. Saddest event in the history of the city
11 century a booming economy formed here. King Róbert was the great fi re of the 20 century. In May of 1917 the fi re
Károly named Gyöngyös a city in 1337, mostly due to the destroyed most of the central houses and other buildings.
emerging wine trade towards the north, north-east. Th e King Károly IV after seeing the ruins, ordered the rebuilding
Franciscan monks settling here in the 15 century att ended of the city. The harmonic city site of today was created then.
to the spiritual and physical needs of the citizens in return The buildings, churches and houses were rebuilt according
for protection by the city. to their rank.
Th e 17 century state of the city is represented in a travel Th ose visiting Gyöngyös, the “Gate of the Mátra” arrives
book description saying the clean roads, many traders, to a city famous for its kindness, hospitality, wine, monu-
charming women, and fiery wine with similar colour to the ments, and cultural events.
sapphire that even the Ottomans loved to taste. During the