Page 5 - Nógrád megye 2021
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It cannot be a coincidence that the world’s fi rst crossbor- quality hotel accommodation is a great haven even for
der geopark is the Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark. Th is is trips beyond the current state borders. The village of Ka-
a geological, natural, historical and cultural heritage londa, only a few kilometres away, awaits the wander-
of 1,619 km2, and its mission is to reunite the Nógrád ers with its Palóc ethnographic monuments, while the
landscape, which was once torn apart by an artificial village of Rapp, 8 km away, offers its wonderful, unique,
border, by grasping the complex regional development and salty thermal water to everyone.
opportunities of the geotourism. The Baglyaskő Visitor Centre in Salgótarján with the
This ancient landscape really deserves to be one of Eu- nearby underground mining museum and the Somos-
rope’s greatest values. The geopark of the Carpathian kő Basalt Guest House with the world rarity basalt flow
Basin, which preserves the last 30 million years, is ex- in the neighbourhood, the Salgóbánya Visitor Centre
tremely rich in paleontological sites and special volca- with the largest and most beautiful basalt plateau in
nic formations. Central Europe, the Medves plateau, and the Fülek Ge-
The European Diploma winner Ipolytarnóc Miocene opark Station with its castle and museum may serve as
Park is waiting for the visitors who wish to relax and great starting and end points for discovering the count-
marvel at its unparalleled sights and enjoy the tourist in- less attractions of the Geopark.
frastructure that satisfies all modern needs. Th e high-