Page 9 - Nyíregyháza 2019
P. 9
Nature and
Our values culture
There are many cultural, architectural, and natural values in The beauty of the Sóstó Forest and the János Tuzson Bo-
the town’s past and present, which we should get know bet- tanical Garden is hard to express in words; we recommend
ter. Sóstógyógyfürdő, as a national health resort is part of the that you visit them on a family trip. It is worthwhile to visit
Nyíregyháza Repository of Values, which includes, among also the Sóstó Museum Village, where you can admire the
other things, the world of bush villages, which is absolutely folk architecture of the county’s small regions, or take your
unique, salty lakes with magnificent birds, meadows with time and visit the permanent and temporary exhibitions of
orchids, and the wonderful Kun mounds. The Tirpak folk the András Jósa Museum, and the Kállay Collection.
architecture and the Lutheran Great Church, the oldest If you want to know more about the values of Nyíregyháza,
church of the town, also present such values, such as the visit the website: htt ps: // for
modern building of the Mihály Váci Cultural Centre. more information.
The people of Nyíregyháza are proud of the Cantemus
Choir, the Nyírség Dance Ensemble, and the Szabolcs Folk
Dance Ensemble, while the current success of the ‘4 for
Dance’ dance ensemble and the Gyula Krúdy’s work in lit-
erary history also fi t well into the Nyíregyháza Repository
of Values.