Page 13 - Nyíregyháza 2019
P. 13
The town of green groves
and parks
Walking in some parts of Nyíregyháza, you can admire At the initiative of Mayor Dr. Ferenc Kovács, new lines
shady parks and groves which are landscaped and well of trees are planted each spring and autumn to make the
cared for, but also modern and enjoyable - like the recently county seat even nicer and healthier. It is a tradition of
renovated Benczúr and Bessenyei parks, or the Bujtos many years in Nyíregyháza that young families plant trees
Town Park with its lakes. in honour of their newborn children in the New Tree of
In addition to the multitude of public sculptures and works Life Park, which is maintained by the local government.
of art, fountains and impressive listed buildings make Hun- Similar to the saplings taking root, so will the children, who
gary’s 7th largest town friendly and cosy. The local govern- were born here, be bound to their home town.
ment and the companies and businesses which operate
here, do their best to make their environment and opera-
tions “greener”.