Page 15 - somogy megye 2022
P. 15
Zselic, the miracle
of nature
After the Balaton region, Zselic is the most att ractive tour- of the Zselic Dark Sky Park project are teaching us about
ist destination in Somogy. Since ancient times, the region the wonderful natural values of the area. During the night
has been one of the most important landscape units of tours, family and school programmes, visitors can learn
our county, which was first mentioned by King Ladislaus about the wonders of the sky, admire the astronomical
I of Hungary in his letter of donation. Also, the forest is a sights such as the Milky Way and the star clusters that
national treasure with its native trees, plants, and wild ani- are not visible at all, or are barely visible from areas with
mals, as well as its gradually developing tourism. Th anks heavier light pollution. One can participate in night star-
to its natural, cultural, economic and folk art values, it is gazing tours, where the participants learn about the special
a popular destination for the international tourism. Few features of the night sky with the help of an astronomer,
people know that one of Hungary’s light pollution-free using both the naked eye and mobile binoculars. When
zones is found here. The 10,500-hectare Zselic Landscape the weather is nice and clear, we can see as far as Lake
Protection District was the first in Europe to receive the Balaton on the north, observe the slopes of the Mecsek
title of International Dark Sky Park in 2009, together with on the south, and admire the entire Zselic forest from the
Scotland’s Galloway Park. In the area of the Zselic Dark Dark Sky Park’s lookout tower. Those who want more ex-
Sky Park, the night starry sky can be enjoyed, examined periences, can admire the Deer Farm of the University of
and researched without any disturbing external lights. Th e Kaposvár in Bőszénfa, where an “army” of proud red deer
observatory, the lookout tower, the information points, and fallow deer are living.
and educational trails built in 2015 within the framework