Page 31 - somogy megye 2022
P. 31

The Corporate Group operates 5 business companies and works on   Our seed production: II. grade wheat seed is produced on 250 hectares,

                     around 3,300 hectares of leased farmland. Kánya Zrt. plays the leading   pea seeds on 100 hectares, Hybrid Sunflower seeds on 90 hectares and
                     role; this Company performs the accounting tasks and the professional   small seeds on 30 hectares. Each year, we create rows of varieties of wheat,

                     management of the other legal entities, provides mechanical work, buys   sunflower and corn, which we present to the nearby farmers, and provide
                     and sells their products as a service, and employs 50 people. It operates in   them with professional consultations to help them choose the varieties
                     the north-eastern part of Somogy County, in the villages of Kapoly, Kánya,   and the plant cultivation technologies consciously.
                     Bedegkér, Tengőd, Somogyegres and in the town of Tab.  Riela drying and cleaning equipment with a capacity of 20 tons/hour is
                     In our system of values, environmentally conscious farming and preserv-  operated to receive and store the produced crops; 14,000 tons of crops can
                     ing the fertility of the cultivated soils even in the erratically changing   be stored there at the same time. The crops sampled using the automatic

                     weather conditions have a prominent place. We have been recycling the   sampler are classified with a FOSS infratec grain analyser (separated as
                     stem residues for more than 10 years, apply deep tillage on our fi elds every   per quality categories), and the toxin levels are always checked. Together
                     3 years, and use zero tillage reasonably, especially the water-retention   with our self-produced and purchased grain, we sell 15,000 tons of corn,
                     and saving technologies. We apply the pesticides and the fertilizers using   6,000 tons of autumn wheat, 2,000 tons of autumn barley, and 1,800 tons

                     machines equipped with the most modern precision techniques. We try   of HO sunflowers. We dress and seal around 1,000 tons of wheat seeds.
                     to reduce soil trampling to a minimum, therefore, where possible, we use   Within the framework of contract work, Kányai Zrt. provides expert con-
                     machines with rubber belts. Also, we do our best to preserve and increase   sultation, services with machines, crop drying and cleaning for nearly
                     the organic matter content with the help of stem-decomposing bacteria.  200 private farmers, primary producers and businesses, and buys their
                     Our soils are of medium quality, they belong to the loamy and the sandy-  crops. We support the surrounding local governments (village days, road
                     loamy soil types, with a humus content below 2%; the pH is around 7 and   repairs, snow clearing, repair of their machinery, etc.). It is important to
                     they are, on average, 18 AK quality soils, with parts exposed to erosion   us to improve the population retention capacity of the small villages.

                     and deflation due to the hilly surface.  Our company is a contracted training place of the Chamber of Agriculture;
                     We have brought part of our areas under ecological cultivation, and we   we receive agricultural mechanics and plant growing technicians for in-
                     also use organic fertilizer again. Our plans are to increase the lands de-  ternship. All university students, who apply, can complete their mandatory
                     voted to seed cultivation and to create the necessary modern processing   internship with us.

                     plant. Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by tenders, we wish   In the future, the basic goal is to preserve and improve the fertility of the
                     to remain at the forefront of technological innovation, and we have started   soils, to introduce new and innovative technologies, to use microbiological
                     constructing a modern drying and storage plant in Kapoly-Puszta in 2022.  products, and to actively participate in their development together with
                     In our sowing structure, the cereals and the corn are grown on approxi-  the universities and the research institutes.
                     mately 1,000 hectares, and the HO sunflower on approx. 700 hectares.

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