P. 25
Here, at home, together
Here winds the Tisza river with its backwaters suitable Gyula Krúdy was born in the Nyírség, as was Gyula
for active recreation. Benczúr, the greatest figure of our representative histori-
Here blooms the pheasant’s eye in the ancient bog of cal painting. Also, András Jósa lived here, who ensured
Bátorliget, reminiscent of the old countryside of the that all residents in Szabolcs had access to artesian wells.
Hungarian Great Plain. In Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő, Hungary’s largest re-
The rose garden of Luby Castle and Rosarium in Nagyar gional open-air ethnographic museum preserves the em-
soothes all our senses. blematic buildings and furnishings of the various small
Here we can embrace the more than 100-year-old syca- regions. However, while walking through the charming
more tree in the castle park of Cégénydányád. village houses, everyone feels like getting to know this
Here we bow our heads to the poem of the Hymn, in the county, a place worth visiting, where it is worth staying,
cemetery with boat-shaped headstones in Szatmárcseke. where it is good to live, and, as many people have already
This is the homeland of the internationally famous and experienced or realized: a place where it is good to return.
successful Cantemus choir family.