Page 23 - Szeged 2021
P. 23
„Hustle and bustle”
Szeged, the festival city
The spacious squares of the city centre, located in the embrace During the fi rst weekend of September, visitors can enjoy
of the River Tisza, often provide venues for spectacular and the scent of the “Szöged fish soup” which is cooked in a giant
busy events. The 21st May is Szeged Day. The town regained 5,000-litre cauldron on the riverbank during the days of the
its rank of a free royal city on this day in 1719. The people of International Tisza Fish Festival. Lovers of great wines can
Szeged commemorate this historical event with a ten-day taste delicious vintages in September in the Wine Square,
festival each year. Széchenyi Square hosts a long row of wine with the Votive Church in the background. The largest avia-
cellars during the Wine Festival, and, on the Bridge Fair tion event of Hungary, the Szeged International Airshow
weekend, the Belvárosi (Downtown) Bridge becomes the (SZIA) will be held in September. In October, the university’s
longest folk art shopping street of Hungary. In 2021, the Sze- Autumn Cultural Festival greets students arriving for the new
ged Open-Air Festival will have been organized for 90 years academic year. During the Christmas Festive Weeks, the city’s
in the Dóm Square, where, thanks to the large auditorium, squares are filled with programmes and craft fairs, and we can
four thousand people can enjoy opera, operett a, musicals, celebrate the New Year in this festive atmosphere.
dance, and drama performances.