Page 19 - Tolna megye 2019
P. 19

Natural treasures

                   The Gemenc Forest is a treasured area in the Danube fl ood-  The city of Tolna was not only the seat of the county for
                   plain of Southern Transdanubia. It has been designated as a  a while, but also the centre of the lower Danube-region,
                   national park since 1996. In addition to the red deer, the in-  situated right on the bank of the river. In 1850, during the
                   digenous animal and pride of the forest, the park is also rich  river control, the main riverbed was diverted eastwards,

                   in wild boar. Among its plant rarities, the rare Hungarian   thus forming the present backwater. The almost completely
                   hawthorn and the scilla are noteworthy. The unique pride of   clean water directly borders the town centre. It is a favourite

                   its bird community is the black stork which is native in the   place for anglers and lovers of water sports, as well being a
                   forests’ trees. The Eco-Tourist Centre of the Danube-Drava  pleasant environment for recreation and relaxation. Many

                   National Park is located next to the Pörböly Train Station.  events are held along the riverbank from spring to autumn.

                   The Wildlife Reserve, which owes its world reputation to   It is worth mentioning that Lake Kapszeg of Mözs, a back-
                   the fallow deer, is part of the Gyulaj Forest. Its most impor-  water of the Danube, is also located south of the town.
                   tant tree varieties are the Turkey Oak (which forms the ma-
                   jority of the forest) and the False Acacia. There is a fi shing

                   pond within the closed wildlife reserve, which can be visited
                   with special permission.

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