Page 11 - Bács-Kiskun megye 2022
P. 11
Typical dishes from the
„Sváb Sarok”
„Take it, this piece will be enough for noodles,
then you will get dumplings, but chew on them!”
The southern corner where the Swabian population of of smoked pork spare-rib, 150 g of smoked bacon or
Bács-Kiskun County lives became known as the Sváb sausage.
Sarok (Swabian Corner). The efforts to preserve the For the dough, 500 g of flour, 25 g of yeast, a little salt,
traditions in Császártöltés, Hajós, Nemesnádudvar and 2 to 3 dl of warm water or milk.
Érsekhalma are not only present in the gastronomy, How to prepare: Stew the smoked bacon, add the onion
but also at the festivals and open cellar programmes and the pepper, then add half of the cabbage, the meat,
all year round. The cuisine of the Swabians is extremely and the sausage, then cover them with the other half
ingenious and costeffective, just like them. They can place of the cabbage. Add seasoning and salt, if necessary.
“wonders” on the table from only a few ingredients. Add enough water to cover the cabbage leaves. When
One of the youngest events is the Sváb Ételek Fesztiválja half cooked, we can start kneading the dough for the
(Swabian Food Fest) in Császártöltés, which the village dumplings. Firstly, make the yeast grow, and then
wishes to organize at the beginning of the summer each make the bread dough. Divide the dough into as many
year. The gastronomic programme was a huge success dumplings as the number of people who will eat it, then
in 2021, when all the towns and villages of the Swabian place them on the top of the cabbage. Cover the pot with
Corner were represented, and the most delicious meals a lid and leave to cook for half an hour, during which time
were prepared at the festival. A collection of local recipes the dumplings will swell. Do not lift the lid, because the
was also published. dumplings will collapse.
Dumplings with cabbage - kráut und tiké knédl Keep track of the programmes of Bács-Kiskun County
Ingredients: 2 kg sauerkraut, 1 large onion, 1 tbsp. of and taste the Swabian “feeling” at the next Swabian Food
fat, 5 to 6 bay leaves, 1 tbsp. of ground pepper, 600 g Festival or visit the Cellar Village in Hajós!