Page 13 - Bács-Kiskun megye 2022
P. 13

„And in the happy intoxication of the wine,
                     I forget you, harsh world!”
                                                                Tears of the

                            grapevine, best of fruits

                     The largest contiguous wine region of Hungary is locat-  vated by the Local Government of Bács-Kiskun County
                     ed in Bács-Kiskun County. In the Kunság Wine Region   in Nemesnádudvar. The Wine Cathedral, located in the
                     and in the Hajós-Baja Wine Region, which is also part   Hungarikum Liget (Hungaricum Park) in Lakitelek, is

                     of the Danube Wine Region, excellent winemakers pro-  of national significance, and here we can find and taste
                     duce internationally recognized regional wines. In ad-  the wines of all the wine regions of Hungary. The pro-
                     dition to the ancient Ezerjó, Kövidinka, Kadarka, Arany   duction of sparkling wine is also worth mentioning, be-
                     Sárfehér (Golden Mud White) varieties, the Cserszegi   cause more and more wineries are producing high qual-
                     fűszeres (spicy), Irsai Olivér, Riesling, Blaufränkisch,   ity sparkling wine for the festive tables.
                     Welsh Riesling, Zweigelt, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet   The good reputation of the pálinka (fruit brandy) distill-
                     Sauvignon, and Chardonnay add colour to the range.   eries operating in the county goes beyond the borders
                     Several well-developed, constantly renewed wineries   of the county and Hungary. Visitors can taste the fi ery
                     and show wine cellars await guests for wine tastings,   gold of the fruit trees in many places.
                     cultural wine evenings and wine tours, together with   If you would like to walk along the Danube Wine Route,
                     special gastronomic programmes. The large-scale wine   visit the website where

                     festivals organized in the county are also immensely   you can find wineries on a digital map and even browse
                     popular. The largest cellar village of Europe is also locat-  through, virtually, the brochure called “Danube Wine
                     ed in Bács-Kiskun. Toasting in the cool cellars of Hajós   Route”!
                     is a special experience, as is the unique wine cellar reno-

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