Page 17 - Bács-Kiskun megye 2022
P. 17

„You are beautiful, Great Hungarian Plain, beautiful at least to me!”

                     Visiting (wind)mills

                     in Bács-Kiskun

                     The history of the mills in Hungary dates back many   ing structure powered from below. The walls of the
                     centuries, and there are written records of mills in Bács-  mill, which used to have three levels, were built from
                     Kiskun County from historical times. Some of them   adobe bricks. The windmill was renovated in 2020 and
                     have long disappeared and can only be found in histori-  it could be visited again from the summer of 2021.
                     cal records, and some of them can still be visited today.   Felsőszentiván: Home of the windmill that still
                     A good few of them are already monuments, but there   operates today
                     are also some that are still in operation.  In Felsőszentiván, Bács-Kiskun County, the windmill of
                     Kiskunfélegyháza: Pajkos-Szabó Windmill  the village was rebuilt to revive the miller’s profession,
                     The landmark of Kiskunfélegyháza, the Pajkos-Szabó   and its blades are still rotating proudly. The windmill of
                     Mill, which was built on the Kis Mindszenti Road, on the   Felsőszentiván was built at the end of the 19th century
                     outskirts of Félegyháza in 1860, and where the grain of   along the main road no. 55 connecting Alsónyék and

                     the inhabitants of the area was ground, is beautiful again.   Szeged. The “flour of Bács-Kiskun County” was ground
                     The mill was built by master wood carver János Fábián as   in this mill in August 2020.
                     commissioned by Lajos Csányi. Thanks to the museum   Water Mill of Baja: One of the attractions of
                     director dr. Károly Mezősi, the mill was relocated to the   the Danube
                     courtyard of the Kiskun Museum during 1961 and 1962,   The ship mill, built under the leadership of László Márton
                     saving it from destruction. In 2020 and 2021, the mill   from Gyergyószentmiklós (Gheorgheni), was rocking on
                     underwent a renovation, during which the interior, the   the Baja section of the Danube, and then moved to its

                     masonry, the shingle roof, the blades, and the turning   final location near the mini fishing village museum next

                     rod were also renewed.                   to the Türr lookout tower. In the old days, the ship mills
                     Kiskunhalas: Sáfrik Windmill             near Baja spent the winter on the Sugovica (an old tribu-
                     Antal Hunyadi built the listed mill building, now known   tary of the Danube) until 31st March, and then operated
                     as the Sáfrik Mill, between 1861 and 1867 with a grind-  on the Danube until the end of October.

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