Page 13 - Békés megye
P. 13
National values
Békés County boasts two Hungaricums. It is worth tasting In addition to the two Hungaricums, countless local and
the sausage of Gyula, which, along with its “creator” András county values wait to be explored, not just by the local
Stéberl, butcher, was awarded a Gold Medal at the World community, but also by the whole country to become
Exhibition in Brussels in 1935. Today, a museum preserves Hungaricums in the future. Of the 75 towns and villages of
the traditional tools of sausage production from the 1860’s. the county, 52 have a local repository of values, and almost
Another Hungaricum, the sausage of Csaba, is also made 1,000 local values have been registered so far, and there are
in the “neighbourhood”; the well-known Sausage Festival 52 values in the county’s repository of values. We are sur-
of Csaba, held since 1997, has made the sausage famous in rounded by many intellectual, material, and architectural
Europe. In Békéscsaba, dozens of traditional sausage mak- values in our everyday life that we should preserve so that
ers prepare sausages, so we can say that even the fences are not just we, but also the grandchildren of our grandchildren
made from sausages! can be proud of all them. Therefore, the Local Government
Thanks to the excellent natural endowments of Békés of Békés County has established the repository of values of
County, the good soil, and the many sunshine hours, excel- Békés County, which is being constantly extended, and it
lent fruit is grown here: the distilleries with their expertise of is no surprise that it encourages the towns and villages to
hundreds of years brew excellent fruit spirits in Békés Coun- create their own local repository of values, and to research,
ty. The Local Government of Békés County announces the collect, and preserve their own values.
Békés County Pálinka Competition every year; the Pálinka
Manufaktúra Kft. (Manufactory Ltd.) of Gyula won this tit-
le in 2018.