Page 21 - Csongrád 2021
P. 21
While the land structure of the Carpathian Basin was being tor, wear of the spine, and rheumatic conditions. Th anks to
formed, the crust under the area became relatively thinner, their special mineral content, they may strengthen the body’s
and as a result, the high-temperature Earth’s mantle came clos- immune system, improve our well-being, and also serve as
er to the surface. The hot subsoil, the high rock temperature, great recreation and fun. The water of the Anna Well in Sze-
as well as the rocks and formations storing and discharging ged is recommended as a drinking cure for patients with
water led together to the formation of signifi cant quantities gastrointestinal complaints and kidney stones. Th e thermal
of thermal water. waters of Szeged, Csongrád, Szentes, Hódmezővásárhely,
Csongrád-Csanád County is extremely rich in thermal and Makó, and Mórahalom are recognized medicinal waters. Th e
medicinal water, which is also the most significant tourist at- Maros mud was classified as medicinal mud for the treatment
traction of the region. The utilization of thermal water is ba- of rheumatic and locomotor diseases in 1961. There are 12
sically based on 2 pillars, spa, and wellness tourism. Almost spas in the county, which offer wellness and fitness services to
all of the local thermal waters, in addition to their general visitors at any time of the year, helping them to maintain their
recreational effects, are suitable for the treatment of locomo- health and physical stamina, whilst recharging their batt eries.