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Since its establishment in 1999, metALCOM Zrt. has grown   our own Research and Development programmes day by day
                     continuously, adapting to the needs of telecommunication op-  while tackling business challenges of the future and continuing
                     erators, metALCOM has established a strong and signifi cant pres-  to achieve sustainable growth and deliver high-standard turnkey
                     ence in the Hungarian telecommunication market as a leading   services to our partners. We do strive for continuous develop-
                     turnkey solution provider. Our telco business line, whether wire-  ment and motivated to be a broadly recognised prominent
                     less or wired, has become one of the most signifi cant business   company within and beyond our borders.
                     lines of our company.                    While the company’s commitment is to nurture long-term
                     The company has matrix organisational structure with teams   partnerships and to link customers to carriers by meeting the

                     dedicated to and organised by projects. There are project man-  diversified needs of the market and by discovering new market
                     agers, engineers, designers and static experts in each team.   segments, we must not forget about the next generation either.
                     The principle philosophy of the company is delivering complex   Anticipating the future is serious responsibility.
                     turnkey solutions and this is what renders us attractive to our   For us at metALCOM, it is really important to invest in the future
                     customers. Our strength is the management of priority projects   and make our environment a better place to live in – and not just

                     in which we provide the financial and technical background and   today, but also for all our loved ones whom we are returning to
                     the know-how not only when it comes to telecommunications   at the end of the day. This is the main reason why we feel strong

                     but also within the fields of IT, energetics, civil engineering and   involvement in corporate social responsibility, environmental
                     operations and maintenance.              protection, education, sports and preserving our heritage. We are
                     We do believe that our sitemap serves as a compass for our   governed by the ‘think globally, act locally’ principle through-
                     company and creates a long-term path for our business. We   out our path.
                     endeavour to put all our aspects of business and experience
                     into action through our partners’ superior quality products and

                                                                             6600 Szentes, Vásárhelyi út 173.
                                                                                     Tel.: +36-63/314-655
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