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Cultural programmes
Th e long-standing Ferenc Móra Museum is one of the co- bandry and Farmers Day Trade Show and Fair is one of
unty’s attractions we should not miss. The building is located the most important professional meetings of the members
in the heart of Szeged, at the junction of the Tisza riverbank of Hungarian agriculture. The deservedly famous four-day
and the Belvárosi (Downtown) Bridge. The institution is an event has tens of thousands of visitors (60 thousand people
outstanding cultural centre of the region, and the visitors can in 2018) each year.
see its permanent and continuously renewed temporary ex- Th e Attila József Museum, the museum of the town of
hibitions. Makó, welcomes its visitors in a modern building. Th e city’s
Th e Szeged Open-Air Festival is one of the most signifi cant history exhibition “Struggling Centuries” presents the 300-
summer theatre festivals in Central Europe, and it is organized year history of the town of Makó. It shows the town’s past
in the Dóm (Cathedral) Square, in Hungary’s open-air theatre using contemporary documents and objects. A functioning
with the greatest seating capacity. Ford Model T pays tribute to its designer, József Galamb,
Th e Patkó (Horseshoe) Equestrian and Outdoor Th e- who was born in Makó.
atre in Mórahalom is the only covered outdoor theatre in the Th e Makó Onion Festival is an event based on rich and valu-
Southern Great Plain. Musicals, musical comedies, concerts, able traditions and has a history of more than 20 years. True
and circus productions are organized during the summer sea- to the traditions, exhibitors arrive for the festival and present
son, as well as performances of the National Equestrian Th eatre their products and handicrafts, creating a colourful hustle
provide great entertainment for all age-groups. On the days of and bustle. In addition, family programmes, a playhouse,
performances, a craft fair and a petting zoo await both children children’s concerts, gastronomic specialties, and plenty of
and adults during the equestrian shows. attractions make the event even more complete.
With a three-decade history, the Great Plain Animal Hus-