Page 23 - csongrad2023
P. 23
Entertainment for the
whole family
Th e Szeged Zoo is a popular excursion destination for fami- for more than 40 years. In 2004, after its renovation, many
lies and school groups alike. The zoo is famous for its eff orts to new pools, saunas, sunbeds, medical services, and sports
protect nature, hosting and helping hundreds of animals every fields opened their doors to the public.
year that would otherwise die in the wild. After their recovery, Makó’s main pride is the Makó Hagymatikum Spa, which
they are able to return to their original habitats. opened in early 2012 and was designed by Imre Makovecz. It
Szeged is also home to one of the largest botanical gardens in awaits its guests with many pools, wellness and medical ser-
Hungary, the Szeged Botanical Garden. There are many spe- vices, a huge sauna complex, a children’s world, a restaurant,
cies of plants that are now considered rare in their own habi- beauty services and naturopathic services.
tats and have significant ideological and conservation value. Th e Makó Canopy Nature Trail and the Maros Adven-
Th e Anna Medical, Thermal, and Experience Spa is a his- ture Part take everyone into an incredible world. Th e higher
toric spa building in downtown Szeged. A well with a bott om we get in the upper levels of the canopy, the more the world
depth of 944 meters was drilled in the immediate vicinity changes around us. On the canopy walkway, a suspension
of the spa, and the 52 Cº Anna water sprung from it. Th e bridge and the shady parts of the Onion Terrace offer a beauti-
medicinal water was led into the spa, which was raised to the ful panorama to visitors.
rank of medicinal spa in 1938.
Th e Thousand Years Park in Mórahalom was previously
called the Mini Hungary Park. The geographical location of
the fortresses, castles, churches, palaces, and monuments was
carefully considered while the park was being created, so we
can explore interesting buildings and rivers of our country in
just one aft ernoon.
Th e much-loved Szent Erzsébet (St. Elizabeth) Móraha-
lom Medicinal Spa is located in the town of Mórahalom. Th e
complex has been one of the most important domestic spas