Page 27 - Debrecen 2019
P. 27

Our company was founded as a limited liability company on   professional skills to perform such tasks. Our fleet of vehicles,
                   1st December, 2005, then, as a result of dynamic development,   telecommunications tools, established management-control
                   the circle of owners has decided to restructure the company to   system, and continuously operating operation-control centre
                   operate as a joint-stock company from 6th August, 2009.   provide quick responsiveness.

                   Our activity is characterized by complexity: the company is   We offer our services to our partners with nationwide cover-
                   able to represent the interests of the Customers in any fi eld   age, in a reliable manner, for a service fee adjusted to the
                   of property protection in accordance with the legal require-  conditions of the market, using  transparent accounting
                   ments in force.                          system.
                   We offer a full range of solutions tailored to companies, which   We are proud of the fact that some of our customers are mul-

                   are efficient, reliable and provide long-term customer satis-  tinational companies, and we meet their expectations of in-

                   faction.                                 ternational standards continuously by solving their individual
                   Covering the entire range of property protection, our group   needs and problems immediately and in a complex and pro-
                   of companies has integrated personal and property security,   fessional manner.
                   security technology, remote monitoring, cleaning and park   Thanks to the know-how of the Company, it has become one
                   maintenance activities since its incorporation. Over the years,   of the most dynamically growing and most effi  cient service
                   we have expanded our activities to include patient transport,   providers of the East-Hungarian region. The board of directors
                   road safety facilitating, as well as adult education, training,   of our company, after assessing the market opportunities in
                   and bookkeeping services. Our company’s services cover   the surrounding countries, has decided to establish subsidiar-

                   many areas of facility management and all segments of per-  ies. We opened our fi rst office in Oradea in February 2012, later

                   sonal and property protection activities.  another office in Kosice in December 2012, so our service area
                   Our services include all segments of property protection,   covers Romania and Slovakia, as well.
                   because we have managers and executives with appropriate

                         Megbízható, szakszerű szolgáltatások  Gyorsaság, pontosság  Folyamatos fejlesztések

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