P. 15

Szigetköz (Little Rye Island), also called the land of a thou-  Szigetköz is the largest island of Hungary. There are 900
                     sand islands, is an area enclosed by the Great Danube and  kilometres of river branches and almost a thousand is-
                     the Mosoni-Danube in Kisalföld, and it is a special and  lands on an area of 375 square kilometres, a reason why the

                     extremely rich habitat for plant and animal associations. Its  people living here call it the gift of the Danube. Together
                     floodplain area protected Pannonia as a border area of the  with Csallóköz (Rye Island) in Slovakia, it is the only in-

                     northern border of the Roman Empire.     land river delta in Central Europe.
                     It can be divided into two parts based on the features of the  The narrow, romantic system of river branches has many

                     land. The towns and villages of Upper Szigetköz include  wonders, which are worth exploring by kayak or by canoe.
                     Dunakiliti, Dunasziget, Feketeerdő, Halászi, Kisbodak,  During the water tour, we can paddle between reefs and is-
                     Püski, Máriakálnok, Kimle, Dunaremete, Darnózseli,  lands on open water or even in romantic passes.
                     Lipót, Hédervár, and Ásványráró, while Dunaszentpál,  Szigetköz also has one of the cleanest drinking water re-

                     Dunaszeg, Győrladamér, Győrzámoly, Győrújfalu, Győr,  sources of Europe. The water of exceptional quality obta-
                     Vámosszabadi, Nagybajcs, Kisbajcs, and Vének are found  ined from a spring of a depth of 80 to 130 meters is con-

                     in Lower Szigetköz.                      sumed by the locals as drinking water and is bottled in its
                                                              natural form without treatment.

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