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The Fertő Cultural Landscape was added to the list of The Lake Fertő is the westernmost steppe lake in Europe,
World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 2001. Th e Hungar- offering a variety of water and sports programmes. Th e
ian and Austrian sides of the lake represent a unique value towns and villages surrounding the lake are also worth
with their archaeological objects of the successive civiliza- exploring on the well-developed cycle paths. In the Peiso-
tions, folk architecture, monumental buildings, grape and nia Visitor Centre, located on the fi rst floor of the recently
wine culture, as well as the diverse flora and fauna. opened Széchényi Castle in Fertőszéplak, tourists can get
The Fertő Cultural Landscape covers 74,716 hectares and is to know and understand the unique and universal values
a very sensitive area in terms of ecology. Th e Fertő-Hanság of the region.
National Park and the Seewinkel National Park guarantee Lake Fertő, the surrounding countryside, and the towns
that the natural values are preserved. The lake and its im- and villages off er unforgettable travel experiences, not only
mediate surroundings are one of the largest bird sanctuar- with their incredible natural values, but also with their rich
ies in Central Europe, because they serve as a resting place cultural treasures and built heritage. The Fertő Cultural
for many migratory birds on their main migration routes. Landscape offers exciting places to explore for children
The visitors of the nature reserve zone can take hikes along and adults alike, for nature lovers or for travellers following
marked educational trails and visit the observation points. in the footsteps of tradition.