P. 11
Our county has had many famous historical fi gures. One life, he supported the poor and the oppressed, and stood
such outstanding person was Count István Széchenyi, up for his faith to the extreme. In the most dangerous
one of the most signifi cant figures of Hungarian politics, times, he gave refuge to hundreds of people in the cellars
whose intellectual legacy can still be found throughout the of Püspökvár (Bishop’s Castle).
Carpathian Basin. The village of Nagycenk where István In 1945, the Russian soldiers reaching Győr wanted to re-
Széchenyi spent a great part of his childhood, and where move the young women from the cellar. Vilmos Apor put
he was finally laid to rest in the Mausoleum of Nagycenk, up resistance, and one of the soldiers shot him. Th e mar-
is particularly important. The Széchenyi Castle presents tyred bishop rests in the Héderváry Chapel of the Basilica
his life, his books, and the documents of his work in a of Győr. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1997.
permanent exhibition. The University of Győr has borne A kindergarten, a primary school, and a secondary gram-
the name of Széchenyi István since 1986. Th e intellectual mar school named after Bishop Vilmos Apor have been
legacy of István Széchenyi is a Hungarikum. operating in Győr since 1993. An interactive memorial
Vilmos Apor, who was appointed bishop of Győr in 1941, exhibition for the 75th anniversary of his death waits for
is a significant role model for our church. Th roughout his visitors in the cellar of Püspökvár.