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The location of Győr-Moson-Sopron County is unique in terms of its The voluntary member companies of the chamber are grouped into
economic geography, because the Central European economic cen- professional divisions: our members arrive from the fields of industry,
tres, Austria and Slovakia, are nearby, and other large markets are also services, trade and handicrafts. The divisions organize programs tai-
close. The county’s economic attractiveness is further enhanced by lored to specific branches, among which everyone can find the one
the fact that it is easily accessible: Europe’s main railway lines, the M1 that contributes most to their professional development.
motorway, the port of Gönyű and the Pér Airport all guarantee that Our chamber also operates an Enterprise Europe Network offi ce, which
the companies can easily get involved in the economic circulation of provides an excellent opportunity for the companies to gain important
the county, Hungary and Europe. information about the specifics of the international market they are
Győr-Moson-Sopron County is one of the most developed regions of interested in, and to find new business partners at the businessmen’s
the country, and in terms of the GDP per capita, the county has the 2nd meetings organized by the office. In this way, we help them enter the
place after Budapest. Within the industry, the processing industry has international market and expand the partnerships.
the greatest importance, while also vehicle production is outstanding, We can help you build relationships with companies operating in the
and the rubber, plastics and building material industries, as well as county or on the foreign markets! Do not hesitate to contact us!
metallurgy and metal processing are also worth mentioning.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Győr-Moson-Sopron The services of the chamber:
County operates as the local government of the county’s economy. • consulting in business, legal, tax and tender matters
We are working hard to maintain the leading role of the county’s • representation of interests
economy. We do this by improving the entrepreneurial environment, • search for domestic and international business partners
developing the cross-border business relations, using economic analy- • on-the-job trainings, master’s trainings
ses, coordinating the tasks of vocational training, providing business • career orientation
management consulting, and building reliable business relations. • document authentication
As a service chamber, we organize informative events on the current • Széchenyi Card administration
topics and tenders, help the companies navigate the complex legal
system, support the businesses with advice, help their credit admin-
istration and in building partnerships.