Page 9 - Heves megye 2020
P. 9


                                                                  is the most

                                                            special town

                                                            Eger is one of the more special cities of Hungary; its charac-
                                                            ter is created with its excellent wines, healing thermal water,
                                                            and spectacular built heritage. While walking the narrow
                                                            historical roads, the architecture of the Catholic Faith, the

                                                            Ottoman culture, Baroque and Classicism are dominant.
                                                            Eger has an immersive medieval atmosphere which is en-
                                                            hanced by the several hundred years-old castle and the 38
                                                            churches that tower dramatically over the city.
                                                            The county capital of Heves County places at the front sec-

                                                            tion of every tourist list. The Archbishop’s Palace has been

                                                            open to the public since 2016, and the palace is the only
                                                            high priest palace in Eastern-Middle Europe which still has
                                                            its original function in one of its wings. Alongside the exhi-
                                                            bition showing church values, Eger, which is a National Me-

                                                            morial Place, has many new sites to off er. The Castle Wall
                                                            Promenade was finished, the Casemate was extended, and

                                                            Calvary Hill is open to the public again. This is the highest

                                                            point of the museum. The Road Museum of Eger is also a
                                                            new spectacle, the only Beatles collection of the Eastern-
                                                            Middle Europe region. And alongside the new ones, the

                                                            old attractions of the city are also open, such as Gárdonyi

                                                            House, Marzipan Museum, Sport Museum, Fire-fighter
                                                            Museum, the Lyceum or the Basilica – only mentioning a
                                                            few from the imposing list.

                                                            Eger offers a wide variety of events as well, with the Spring
                                                            Festival, the Feszt!Eger pop music festival, and the Kaláka
                                                            festival being visited by people from the whole country,
                                                            while the Street Musician’s Festival, the Bull’s Blood wine
                                                            festivity, and the Border Castle Gladness have international
                                                            appeal. Alongside these there are countless smaller events
                                                            colouring everyday life.
                                                            Eger is an exciting village which offers all the possibilities

                                                            of a big city in a friendly and small city atmosphere for its
                                                            citizens and visitors.

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