Page 11 - Nógrád megye 2019
P. 11
Our forests
The fourth ancient element is the air. Our unrivalled air our forests is incredibly rich. Th e forest fruits and edible
quality is ensured by our forests. Hungary’s most forested fungi are almost off ering themselves. In the mountainous
county is waiting for guests who are looking forward to a areas, the lynx returned for the wild boar, the roe deer and
healthy vacation. Nógrád can be considered as a huge pul- red deer, and the wolf is also visiting our lands. Our beauti-
monary and heart sanatorium. Here, the residents of big ful forests have been re-discovered by the bear, because he
cities or dusty lowland areas can be sure to get some fresh feels good with us. It is time for you to visit us.
air. You can almost bite into the air. Our forests are clean, We are delighted to present a well-established hiking tour:
beautiful, and romantic. Th ey attract us to beautiful hikes the Bear (Medvés) circle and its little brother, the Small
on foot, on horseback, or on two wheels. Bear (Mackó) circle. (
The terrain offers the opportunity for every form of sport, Nowadays, the melodies of the classical music series “For-
from performance hikes to leisurely strolls. The wildlife of est music” fit beautifully into the sounds of the forest.