Page 9 - Nógrád megye 2019
P. 9
Our waters
The only major river of the county is the Ipoly, which has
separated the northern and southern parts of the county for
almost a century. Today, with its new bridges, it connects
the parts again. Keeping its wild water character, it is home
to many indigenous fi sh species.
Lake Bánki. The water citadel of culture. Its outdoor cultural
programme offer is extremely colourful. National events
have been held on the water stage since 1966. Today, the of European fishing competitions, with huge catfish and a
1500-seat auditorium proves to be too small, due to the strong walleye stock.
popularity. Bánk also stages the Louis Armstrong Jazz Fes- Lake Diósjenő. Börzsöny, with its delightful view and great
tival. Every year, the lake is waiting for those visitors inter- fi shing opportunities attracts people from the nearby capital
ested in boat modelling contests, terrain triathlon competi- who are longing to go outdoors.
tions and cross-fi t. Robinson Islands. The outskirts of Szécsény offer a roman-
The Maconka Reservoir. Maconka, part of Bátonyterenye, tic environment to the visitors. The many lakes and the dead
is not only famous for its temple, and its golden apple leg- channels of the Ipoly offer exciting experiences. Water ad-
end, but also for its European-level anglers’ paradise. Th e ventures are available for everyone with canoes and boats.
artifi cial pond system has 51 fish species, a beautiful envi- Sports fields, a lookout tower, and 35 heated bungalows
ronment, and fantastic infrastructure. await visitors who seek recreation. It is an excellent place for
Lake Palotási. The Mecca of the boilie anglers, the venue work communities and team building events.