Page 21 - Nógrád megye 2019
P. 21
Rural miracle
the miracle village
Those who long for honest but not intrusive hospitality, the How could that small “bag” village become part of the uni-
historical harmony of the natural and the built environment, versal World Heritage? Is it because of its natural environ-
and for spiritual deepening, are welcome to visit Nógrád. In ment, or the Palóc architecture, or perhaps the preservation
our county, there are numerous small villages with a unique of the folk costumes, the living traditions, the cleanliness
and special atmosphere, where 21st century-level accom- and the respect? Probably the above-listed, parallel and uni-
modation and the Palóc taste and hospitality are combined. form system of values, and the people who operate it. Be-
For the first time, we recommend to visit: Berkenye, Bér, cause Hollókő lives and operates. In its little church, which
Horpács, Alsópetény and Felsőpetény, Szurdokpüspöki, radiates true intimacy, not only the guests are looking for
Mátrakeresztes, Kazár, Cserhátszentivány and Mohora. the Lord’s closeness. Th ose who come here will realise that
Why should you visit these wonderful villages? Th e wiki- one could not only live in a working village community in
pedia and the websites of the villages will explain everything the past, but it is also possible, even today. The dear guests
to you. can dress up, dance, immerse themselves in the Palóc fl a-
In addition to those wonderful villages, Hollókő, the mira- vours, and into the pools of the Hotel Castellum that off ers
cle village, is part of our World Heritage. every comfort.